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Legal and Risk Disclaimer

1. Online Offer Content

GEMblock GmbH and its representatives (collectively “GEMBLOCK”) retain the right to disclaim responsibility for the currency, accuracy, comprehensiveness, or quality of the information provided. Claims of liability against GEMblock for material or non-material damages resulting from the use or non-use of the information provided, or from the use of incorrect or incomplete information, are excluded, unless GEMblock can be proven to have acted intentionally or with gross negligence. All offers are subject to change and are not binding. GEMblock explicitly reserves the right to modify, supplement, or remove parts of the pages or the entire offering without prior notice, or to temporarily or permanently cease publication.

2. References and Links

GEMblock assumes no responsibility for any content linked or referred to from its pages, unless it has full knowledge of illegal content and the ability to prevent visitors from viewing those pages. GEMblock explicitly declares that, at the time the links were created, no illegal content was evident on the linked pages. GEMblock has no control over the current and future design, content, or authorship of the linked pages. Therefore, GEMblock expressly distances itself from all content on linked pages that may have been altered after the link was created.

This statement pertains to all links and references found on GEMblock's website, as well as contributions made by third parties in guest books, discussion forums, link directories, mailing lists, and any other databases that allow external write access. The responsibility for any illegal, inaccurate, or incomplete content, as well as any damages arising from the use or non-use of such information, lies solely with the provider of the referenced site, not with GEMblock, which solely provides links to the mentioned publication.

3. Copyright and Trademark Law

GEMblock strives to respect the copyrights of images, graphics, sound documents, video sequences, and texts used in all publications. We either use images, graphics, sound documents, video sequences, and texts created by ourselves or utilize license-free materials. All brand names and trademarks mentioned on our website, which may be protected by third parties, are fully subject to the provisions of applicable trademark law and the ownership rights of their respective registered owners. The mere mention of a trademark does not imply that it is not protected by the rights of third parties. GEMblock retains the copyright for any published objects created by us. Any duplication or use of objects such as diagrams, sounds, or texts in other electronic or printed publications is strictly prohibited without obtaining GEMblock's agreement.

4. Legal Considerations and Risks






By utilizing our services, you demonstrate a complete understanding and acceptance of the inherent risks involved. Investing in digital assets encompasses distinct risks that may deviate from those associated with conventional markets and assets. The user acknowledges that their investment carries the potential for a complete loss.

GEMblock takes the necessary precautions to mitigate risks that are within its control. However, any loss or damages incurred from risks that are beyond GEMblock's control or cannot be attributed to any negligence on the part of GEMblock will be the responsibility of the individual.

By investing in GEMblock and participating in digital assets, you accept full responsibility for any resulting losses. GEMblock disclaims liability for anything other than intentional or grossly negligent actions, to the extent permitted by law. You affirm that you are aware of and comprehend the risks associated with investing in digital assets, and that you are willing and capable of assuming these risks.

When transmitting digital assets to GEMblock's blockchain addresses, it is imperative to exclusively employ the addresses provided by GEMblock for this specific purpose. Utilizing blockchain addresses that have not been provided carries the potential risk of being unable to associate the digital assets with you. In such instances, any loss of digital assets will be your responsibility, and there will be no entitlement to the allocation of said assets.

Purchasing GEMblock NFTs and/or Tokens carries the risk of potential financial loss. Once tokens are purchased, refunds or exchanges are not possible. There is no guarantee that the promised benefits outlined in the whitepaper, associated with GEMblock NFTs and/or Tokens or the project, will be fulfilled. By accepting these terms and conditions and investing in GEMblock NFTs and/or Tokens, you relinquish any rights and acknowledge that you have no legal recourse or remedy against GEMblock if the expected benefits or project outcomes are not realized.

If you have any doubts or are unwilling to accept the potential loss of funds invested in the acquisition of GEMblock NFTs and/or Tokens, we highly recommend refraining from purchasing them. It is advisable to conduct thorough due diligence and research, consult with legal, financial, tax, and other industry professionals or experts before making any investments in GEMblock NFTs and/or Tokens.

GEMblock NFTs and/or Tokens do not represent shares or securities in any form and do not confer ownership or any other form of interest in GEMblock GmbH. These tokens solely serve as a medium to access specific services on a platform that is currently in the process of being developed. It is important to note that there is no assurance of the platform's continued development.

5. No financial advice

The Available Information does not constitute business, legal, financial, or tax advice regarding GEMblock, the NFTs and/or Tokens, or any related matters. It is recommended that you seek guidance from your own professional adviser in the areas of law, finance, tax, or other relevant fields regarding the Available Information. Additionally, it is important to be aware that purchasing NFTs and/or Tokens may involve assuming financial risk for an unspecified duration.

6. Legal Considerations

Due to the legal uncertainties surrounding distributed ledger technologies, businesses, activities, cryptocurrencies, and cryptocurrency-related businesses in various jurisdictions, GEMblock has devoted considerable time and resources to carefully evaluate its business approach and geographical operations both presently and in the future. GEMblock has collaborated with an international law firm to address Swiss legal matters but has not sought legal advice from any other countries. Consequently, it is plausible that the NFTs and/or Tokens described in the Whitepaper issued by GEMblock may be classified as securities within your jurisdiction, or that GEMblock's offer to sell the Tokens may be subject to regulation or prohibited in your jurisdiction. In either scenario, GEMblock may be held accountable. GEMblock assumes no responsibility or liability towards you in these or any other situations. It is strongly recommended that you seek independent legal counsel to ascertain the legality of your involvement in the sale and purchase of NFTs and/or Tokens within your jurisdiction.

The NFTs and/or Tokens are functional utility tokens specifically designed for use exclusively on the Ethereum Network. They are not considered securities. Once you make a purchase of NFTs and/or Tokens, it is important to note that refunds or exchanges are not possible. GEMblock strongly advises against acquiring NFTs and/or Tokens for speculative investment purposes. It is important to understand that owning NFTs and/or Tokens does not grant any rights or entitlements, such as capital, management, voting, or similar privileges, in GEMblock or any of its affiliates. NFTs and/or Tokens are sold as digital products, similar to downloadable software or digital music. GEMblock does not recommend purchasing NFTs and/or Tokens unless you possess experience in cryptographic tokens, blockchain-based software, distributed ledger technology, and have sought independent professional advice. GEMblock may choose to provide information in various languages. In the event of any conflict between the English version of the available information and a version in a foreign language, the English version will take precedence.

7. Regional restrictions

Individuals who are citizens, nationals, residents (for tax purposes or otherwise), of any jurisdiction that requires supervision, oversight, licensing, compliance, and/or approval from a regulatory authority, board, monetary authority, or securities authority, are prohibited from investing in NFTs and/or Tokens, possessing, distributing, or disclosing the Available Information, or engaging in activities related to the sale of NFTs and/or Tokens. This restriction also applies to any firm, company, partnership, trust, corporation, institution, government, state, agency, or other legal entity incorporated or existing under the laws of any Restricted Jurisdiction.

The NFTs and/or Tokens are not intended to be, and do not constitute, shares or securities (of any kind) in any jurisdiction. The Whitepaper does not serve as a prospectus or offering document in any form, and the information provided is not intended as an offer of securities or a solicitation for investment in securities in any jurisdiction. GEMblock does not provide opinions or advice on the purchase, sale, or any other transaction involving NFTs and/or Tokens. The presentation, publication, or transmission of any part of the available information should not be relied upon as the basis for any contract or investment decision.

8. Limitation of Liability

In no circumstances will GEMblock or any individuals or entities associated with it, including past, present, or future employees, officers, directors, contractors, consultants, shareholders, suppliers, vendors, service providers, joint ventures, parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, agents, representatives, predecessors, successors, and assigns (hereinafter referred to as "AFFILIATES"), be held liable or responsible for any lost profits, savings, or any incidental, direct, indirect, special, or consequential damages incurred by purchasers of NFTs and/or Tokens, arising in connection with the NFTs and/or Tokens:

GEMblock or any of its affiliates failing to fully or partially deliver or implement the Project, Platform, Network, or NFT/token Features as described or anticipated in the Available Information.
Your utilization or incapacity to utilize any of the services or products provided by GEMblock, the Platform, the Customer Network, or the NFTs/tokens at any given time;
In the event that GEMblock or its affiliates, you, or any third party violates any of these Terms;
Any potential security risks, breaches, threats, attacks, or incidents involving the unauthorized access, theft, or loss of data, which may include hacking, password compromise, loss of private keys, or similar occurrences.
Any errors or mistakes found in the code, text, or images pertaining to the sale of NFTs and/or Tokens or any of the Available Information will be rectified.
Any information included in or excluded from the provided data.
The fluctuation in token prices in any country or on any exchange or market, whether regulated, unregulated, primary, secondary, or otherwise.
The acquisition, utilization, trade, retrade, retrieval, or any other activity involving the NFTs and/or Tokens.
Your inability to adequately safeguard a private key for a Wallet that holds NFTs and/or Tokens.

(termed as the "MATTERS OF EXCLUDED LIABILITY" as a whole).

The information available on the Website and the Whitepaper, as well as the NFTs and/or Tokens, are provided "as is" and without any express or implied representations or warranties. You bear all responsibility and assume all risks associated with using the available information and purchasing any amount of NFTs and/or Tokens and their subsequent use. In the event that applicable law does not allow for the full application of the aforementioned limitations of liability, such limitations will only apply to the maximum extent permitted by law. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, you hereby waive, irrevocably and unconditionally: (a) any and all claims, whether actual or contingent, that you may have against GEMblock or any Affiliate, including but not limited to claims related to Matters of Excluded Liability, payment or repayment of funds, indemnification, or any other claim, regardless of whether you are acting as an employee, officer, trustee, agent, principal, or in any other capacity; and (b) release and discharge GEMblock and any Affiliate from any and all liability, of any nature and from any source, that they may have towards you. If, for any reason, you decide to initiate legal action or proceedings with regards to any claim that is intended to be released and discharged according to this paragraph or these Terms, or if you attempt to pursue any such claim against GEMblock or any Affiliate, you hereby agree to fully indemnify and hold harmless GEMblock and any Affiliate upon their demand.

GEMblock or any of its affiliates shall not be held responsible for any liabilities or losses incurred. Moreover, GEMblock or any of its affiliates shall be entitled to reimbursement of all reasonable costs, charges, and expenses, including but not limited to reasonable legal costs and expenses, that were reasonably and properly incurred in relation to the initiation or pursuit of any legal action or claim by you.

9. GEMblock’s Representations and Warranties

Without regard to any other provision in these Terms or any explicit or implicit statement found in the Available Information, GEMblock does not provide and hereby renounces any representations, warranties, or commitments of any nature to any individual or entity, including any representations, warranties, or commitments regarding the veracity, accuracy, and entirety of the information contained in the Available Information.

10. Your Representations and Warranties

By accessing and/or accepting possession or transmission of any or all portions of the Available Information, you are hereby representing and warranting (and shall be deemed to represent and warrant) to GEMblock, as of the date of such access or as of the last date you retain possession of any or all portions of the Available Information:

1. Eligibility and Basic Understanding

You are over 18 (eighteen) years of age.
You possess a fundamental comprehension of the operation, functionality, utilization, storage, transfer mechanisms, and other integral attributes of cryptocurrencies, blockchain-based software systems, cryptocurrency wallets, or other relevant token storage mechanisms, as well as blockchain technology and smart contract technology.

2. Consent and Acknowledgment of NFTs/Tokens Nature:

You hereby consent and recognize that the NFTs and/or Tokens do not represent stocks, shares, securities, financial instruments, or investments of any kind in any jurisdiction.
You acknowledge and agree that if you intend to purchase NFTs and/or Tokens, they shall not be considered, interpreted, classified, or treated as various types of financial instruments or investments.

3. Understanding and Acceptance of Information Provided:

By accepting and acknowledging, you understand that the information provided (including the Whitepaper and the Website) does not serve as a prospectus or offering document of any nature. It is not intended to present an offer of NFTs and/or Tokens in any jurisdiction or to solicit investments in NFTs and/or Tokens.
By accepting and acknowledging, you understand that the information provided, the creation and/or potential trading of NFTs and/or Tokens on any exchange or market should not be regarded, interpreted, or deemed by you as a reflection of the quality or value of GEMblock, the NFTs and/or Tokens, or the Available Information.

4. Compliance and Legal Restrictions:

You hereby acknowledge and agree that the Available Information has not been reviewed or approved by any regulatory authority, and that no steps have been or will be taken in accordance with any laws, regulatory requirements, or regulations of any jurisdiction.
You confirm that the distribution or dissemination of the Available Information, and your acceptance of it, is not prohibited or restricted by any applicable law in your jurisdiction.
If you are a citizen, national, or resident of a Restricted Jurisdiction, or if you are a Restricted Person, you are not eligible to purchase NFTs and/or Tokens or access the Available Information.

5. Acknowledgment of Risks and Disclaimer of Liability:

You acknowledge and comprehend that if you choose to acquire NFTs/tokens, there are inherent risks involved pertaining to GEMblock and its business and operations, the NFTs/tokens, and relying on the provided information or any portion thereof.
By accepting or relying on the Available Information provided by GEMblock, you acknowledge and agree that GEMblock shall not be held liable for any type of loss arising from or in connection with your acceptance or reliance on the Available Information. Furthermore, you confirm that all the representations and warranties made are true, complete, accurate, and not misleading.

11. Regarding Statements About the Future

Any statements found in the Available Information, press releases, or other publicly accessible sources, as well as oral statements made by GEMblock or its affiliates, that do not pertain to historical facts are considered "FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS". These statements may be identified by forward-looking language such as "aim", "anticipate", "believe", "could", "estimate", "expect", "if", "intend", "may", "plan", "possible", "likely", "project", "should", "would", "will", or similar terms. However, these terms are not the exclusive means of identifying forward-looking statements. Any statements regarding GEMblock's financial condition, business strategies, plans and prospects, as well as the future prospects of the industry in which GEMblock operates, are considered forward-looking statements.

The statements provided above are forward-looking in nature and pertain to GEMblock's revenue profitability, growth, prospects, future plans, and other anticipated industry trends. It is important to note that these statements are not historical facts, but rather estimations and predictions. GEMblock does not guarantee the accuracy or reliability of these predictions and does not claim to have derived them from formulae, mathematical or scientific models, forecasts, or extensive research. These forward-looking statements are subject to various risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may result in GEMblock's actual future results, performance, or achievements differing significantly from what is anticipated, expressed, or implied by these statements. These factors include, but are not limited to:

1. Macro-environmental and Global Risks

Alterations in the legal, political, social, economic, stock market, or cryptocurrency market conditions, as well as the regulatory environment, within the countries where GEMblock conducts its operations.
Conflict or acts of terrorism, whether on a global or domestic scale.
The impact of disasters, natural catastrophes, and acts of God on GEMblock's operations.

2. Market and Financial Risks

Fluctuations in the interest rates and exchange rates of both traditional fiat currencies and digital cryptocurrencies.
The future capital requirements of GEMblock and the availability of funds and capital to meet those requirements may undergo changes.

3. Business Strategy and Competitive Risks

The potential of GEMblock facing challenges in executing or implementing its business strategies and future plans.
Modifications to GEMblock's anticipated expansion strategies and internal growth.
GEMblock's capacity to compete within the evolving competitive landscape and adapt to changing market conditions.

4. Operational and Client-related Risks

Modifications to the accessibility and charges required by GEMblock in relation to its business and activities.
GEMblock is experiencing shifts in both employee availability and salary requirements necessary for its operations.
Alterations in the preferences exhibited by GEMblock's clientele.

5. General Uncertainties and External Factors

Additionally, there are external factors that are not under the control of GEMblock.
Furthermore, there are various risks and uncertainties related to GEMblock, its business and operations, the NFTs and/or Tokens, as well as the reliance on any portion of the provided information.

All forward-looking statements made by GEMblock or any of its affiliates are subject to these factors and should be considered in their entirety. Given the potential risks and uncertainties that may result in significant differences between the actual future results, performance, or achievements of GEMblock and any anticipated results, performance, or achievements expressed or implied in the available information, it is important not to rely excessively on such statements. These forward-looking statements are provided as of the later of the date of publication of the Whitepaper and the last date on which the Website was updated.

GEMblock, its affiliates, and any other party involved do not guarantee or promise that the future outcomes, performance, or accomplishments of GEMblock will align with the details provided in these forward-looking statements. The actual results, performance, or achievements of GEMblock may significantly vary from what is anticipated in these forward-looking statements.

The information provided does not constitute, nor should it be considered as, a guarantee, representation, or commitment regarding GEMblock's future performance or policies. Furthermore, GEMblock takes no responsibility for updating or publicly disclosing these forward-looking statements to reflect future developments, events, or circumstances, even if new information becomes available or other events occur in the future.

12. Risk factors

Prior to making an investment in NFTs and/or Tokens, it is crucial that you thoroughly evaluate and assess each of the risk factors stated in these Terms, along with any other relevant information. GEMblock has made every effort to disclose all material risk factors that may influence your decision to invest in the NFTs and/or Tokens. However, if any of the aforementioned considerations, uncertainties, or material risks come to fruition, it could have a significant and adverse impact on GEMblock's business, financial condition, results of operations, as well as the utilization and value of the NFTs and/or Tokens. Consequently, the trading price of the Tokens may decrease due to these considerations, uncertainties, or material risks, resulting in potential loss of all or a portion of your NFTs and/or Tokens or their economic value.

12.1 Risks Associated with Investing in NFTs/Tokens

An NFT and/or token is not a currency issued by any central bank, national, supranational, or quasi-national organization, nor does it hold the characteristics of a traditional commodity. GEMblock does not bear responsibility for, nor actively monitor, the circulation and trading of NFTs and/or Tokens in any market. The trading of NFTs and/or Tokens relies solely on the consensus of their value among relevant market participants. There is no obligation for anyone, including purchasers, to acquire NFTs and/or Tokens from an NFT/token holder, and no guarantees are made regarding the liquidity or market price of NFTs and/or Tokens at any given time. Additionally, NFTs and/or Tokens cannot be resold to individuals who are citizens, nationals, residents (for tax purposes or otherwise), and/or green card holders of Restricted Jurisdictions, or to Restricted Persons, or to purchasers in any other jurisdiction where the purchase of NFTs and/or Tokens may violate applicable laws. Consequently, GEMblock cannot assure the presence of demand or a market for the NFTs and/or Tokens, nor can it ensure that the purchase price will accurately reflect the market price of the NFTs and/or Tokens once they become available for trading on a cryptocurrency exchange or market. Potential future sales or issuances of GEMblock NFTs and/or Tokens may have a significant and adverse impact on the market price of the GEMblock NFTs and/or Tokens.

The price of the Tokens may be materially and adversely impacted by negative publicity. Negative publicity concerning GEMblock, the progress of GEMblock, the NFTs and/or Tokens, or key individuals associated with GEMblock, as well as the regulation of distributed ledger technologies, cryptocurrencies, and/or crowdsales of NFTs and/or Tokens in any jurisdiction, can significantly and unfavorably influence market perception or the market price of the NFTs and/or Tokens, regardless of its justification. The success of the business platform is not guaranteed and will be pursued based on the available information.

The value and demand for NFTs and/or Tokens will largely rely on the performance of GEMblock's ecosystem and the GEMblock Network, which will be further enhanced according to the Roadmap by GEMblock. Additionally, the continued active engagement of users and the success of planned business areas will play a crucial role. It should be noted that the success of GEMblock's NFTs and/or Tokens and the ongoing traction of the developing GEMblock Network are not guaranteed.

The value of NFTs and/or Tokens in trading can experience fluctuations. Crypto-Tokens are known to have relatively high volatility and can experience significant price fluctuations within short time frames. The demand and market price of NFTs and/or Tokens can also fluctuate rapidly and significantly due to various factors, some of which are beyond the control of GEMblock.

Fluctuations in market valuations and token prices of companies operating in similar industries as GEMblock, which may be traded on the same cryptocurrency exchanges or markets as the NFTs and/or Tokens;
Analysts' speculations, recommendations, perceptions, or estimates concerning the market price of NFTs and/or Tokens, as well as the financial and business performance of GEMblock.
The effectiveness of GEMblock's management in executing business and growth strategies, whether resulting in success or failure.
Changes in the personnel composition of GEMblock, including both additions and departures of key individuals.
GEMblock will be providing updates on major occurrences, including but not limited to partnerships, sponsorships, and new product advancements.
Volatility in the market prices and trading volumes of cryptocurrencies on cryptocurrency exchanges or markets;
Modifications in circumstances that impact the blockchain or financial technology sector, overall economic conditions, market sentiment, or other occurrences or influences; and/or
Innovations and technological advancements.

12.2 Risks Relating to GEMblock and the GEMblock Platform.

The ongoing development of the GEMblock platform entails potential vulnerability to external factors. Any events or circumstances that negatively impact GEMblock or its affiliates may likewise have an adverse effect on the GEMblock Platform, which is currently undergoing further development, encompassing the development and organization of the GEMblock Platform. These unfavorable consequences would consequently impact the functionality, liquidity, and trading value of the GEMblock NFTs and/or Tokens.

In the event that GEMblock or any of its affiliated entities encounter challenges in effectively executing their business operations during their development and growth, it could potentially hinder their capacity to develop, sustain, or manage the GEMblock Platform, as well as impede their ability to create, organize, and license token functionalities, thereby having a substantial adverse effect.

The sectors of financial technology and cryptocurrency, in which GEMblock operates, have witnessed substantial growth in recent years and are continuously evolving as a result of technological advancements, evolving business models, regulatory changes, and various other factors. Consequently, GEMblock may encounter operational difficulties as it endeavors to adjust to these transformations. The long-term sustainability of the GEMblock ecosystem relies on the ability of GEMblock or its affiliated entities to efficiently handle operations, attract and retain competent personnel, and deliver sufficient training to its workforce.

As GEMblock continues to develop, both GEMblock and its affiliates will require the expansion and adaptation of their operational infrastructure. GEMblock will partially rely on its blockchain-based software systems, cryptocurrency wallets, and other related mechanisms for token storage, as well as blockchain technology and smart contract technology. All of these systems, tools, and capabilities constitute a complex, expensive, and rapidly evolving technical infrastructure. To demonstrate their ability to effectively manage the technical support infrastructure for the GEMblock Platform as it evolves, as well as the future functionality of NFTs and/or Tokens, GEMblock and its affiliates will need to continuously upgrade and enhance their data systems, operational systems, procedures, and controls.

The implementation of these upgrades and enhancements will necessitate a dedication of resources and are expected to involve intricate processes that increasingly rely on third-party services hosted by GEMblock and/or its affiliates, without direct control over them. In the event that GEMblock and/or its affiliates are unable to promptly, efficiently, and cost-effectively adapt their systems and organizational structure to evolving circumstances, it could potentially have a negative impact on their business, financial standing, and/or operational outcomes.

In the event that the third parties upon which GEMblock and/or its affiliates depend encounter a security breach or encounter any disruptions that impact the services utilized by GEMblock and/or its affiliates, there is a risk that the integrity and availability of their internal information may be compromised. This could potentially lead to the loss of confidential or proprietary information and/or financial losses.

Any negative impact on the financial condition, operations, or resources of GEMblock and its affiliates would directly hinder their ability to develop, maintain, and operate the GEMblock Platform. It would also impede their ability to develop, structure, and license the anticipated Token functionality.

Any detrimental effect on the GEMblock Platform or technology is anticipated to also result in a detrimental effect on the usefulness, marketability, and trading value of the GEMblock NFTs and/or Tokens. GEMblock may encounter instances of system malfunctions, unforeseen disruptions to its network or services, hardware or software faults, security breaches, or other factors that could have an adverse impact on GEMblock's infrastructure network and/or the ongoing development of the GEMblock Platform.

GEMblock and/or its affiliates are unable to anticipate the timing of hacks, cyber-attacks, distributed denials of service, errors, vulnerabilities, or defects that may occur in the GEMblock Platform under development, the smart contracts relied upon by GEMblock and/or its affiliates or the GEMblock Platform, or the Ethereum Chain or any other blockchain. These events may involve programming or source code errors that could be exploited or misused. GEMblock and/or its affiliates may not have the ability to promptly detect such hacks, cyber-attacks, distributed denial of service errors, vulnerabilities, or defects, and may not possess sufficient resources to effectively manage multiple service incidents occurring simultaneously or in quick succession.

GEMblock and its affiliates' network or services, including the underdeveloped GEMblock platform and its potential Token functionality, may face disruptions caused by various factors. These factors include natural disasters, equipment failures, network connectivity issues, power outages, and intentional disruptions like software viruses or attacks by unauthorized users. Some of these events may be beyond the control of GEMblock and its affiliates. While efforts are made to prevent cyber-attacks and ensure security, there is no guarantee that future attempts, such as distributed outages, will not occur or that the security measures implemented by GEMblock and its affiliates will be fully effective. GEMblock and its affiliates are susceptible to infrastructure attacks aiming to steal technology information, financial data, or user information, which could harm GEMblock and the Token holders. Any significant breach in security measures or other disruptions that impact the usability, stability, and security of the developing GEMblock Platform may have adverse effects on the utility, liquidity, and trading price of the Tokens.

In the future, GEMblock and/or its affiliates may rely on third-party location and data center facilities to some extent. GEMblock and/or its affiliates may establish their future infrastructure network by utilizing their own servers, placing them at third-party sites, or leasing servers at third-party data centers. If GEMblock and/or its affiliates are unable to renew their data center leases on commercially reasonable terms or at all, they may be compelled to relocate their servers to a new data center, which could result in significant costs and potential service disruptions. These facilities are also vulnerable to various risks such as natural disasters, arson, terrorist attacks, power outages, and telecommunications failures. Furthermore, the third-party providers of these facilities may encounter security breaches caused by third parties, employee errors, misconduct, or other factors, potentially leading to unauthorized access to the data stored on these servers. GEMblock and/or its affiliates, as well as the providers of these facilities, may not be able to predict these methods or implement appropriate preventive measures.

The operating performance, results of operations, and/or cash flows of GEMblock and/or its affiliates may be negatively impacted by general global market and economic conditions. GEMblock and/or its affiliates may continue to face the effects of general global economic and market conditions. The information technology industry as a whole has experienced slowdowns due to challenging economic conditions worldwide, which may persist. The business, operations, and financial condition of GEMblock and/or its affiliates could be adversely affected by economic weakness, including a decline in revenues and operating cash flows, as well as difficulties in obtaining future equity and/or debt financing on reasonable terms. Moreover, in an economic downturn, GEMblock and/or its affiliates may encounter the negative consequences of reduced trading and usage of the GEMblock Platform, which is currently undergoing further development. This could potentially lead to delays or cancellations in the development, structuring, licensing, and/or launch of the anticipated token functionality.

The operations and expenses of GEMblock and its affiliates may be negatively affected by economic conditions, which could also impact the suppliers relied upon for servers, bandwidth, location, and other services. Therefore, there is no guarantee that the current economic conditions or any deterioration in economic conditions or a prolonged or recurring recession will not have a significant adverse effect on GEMblock's business, financial condition, and results of operations. Consequently, this could also impact the development, structure, licensing, and launch of NFT/Token features on the GEMblock Platform. Any of these circumstances would correspondingly have a negative impact on the utility, liquidity, and trading price of the NFTs and tokens.

GEMblock and its affiliates may be compelled to halt their operations in a jurisdiction where operating is deemed illegal or economically unfeasible, or where obtaining the necessary regulatory approval(s) to operate becomes undesirable. In such situations, the utility, liquidity, and trading price of the NFTs and tokens would be negatively impacted, and trading in NFTs and tokens may come to a halt.

GEMblock and its affiliates may also be compelled to discontinue their operations in a jurisdiction where operating is deemed illegal or financially unfeasible, or where obtaining the necessary regulatory approval(s) to operate becomes undesirable. In such scenarios, the utility, liquidity, and trading price of the NFTs and tokens will be negatively impacted, and trading in NFTs and tokens may come to a halt.

12.3 NFTs and/or Tokens May Involve Unforeseen Risks

Cryptographic tokens such as the GEMblock NFTs and/or Tokens are a relatively new and dynamic technology. In addition to the risks included in the discussion of risk factors above, there are other risks associated with the purchase, ownership and use of the NFTs and/or Tokens, including risks that GEMblock and/or its affiliates cannot anticipate. Such risks may also arise as unforeseen variations or combinations of the risks described above.

13. Legal effect of this disclaimer

The provided information is solely intended for informational purposes. Individuals who have an interest in acquiring NFTs and/or Tokens should carefully evaluate the potential risks before making any investment decisions.

The information provided should not be construed as advice or a recommendation by GEMblock or any of its affiliates to any recipient, whether related to participation in NFTs and/or Tokens or otherwise. It is important to note that the information provided may not encompass all risk factors associated with GEMblock, the development of the GEMblock Platform, the NFTs and/or Tokens, any future NFT and/or Token functionality, or the information itself. Therefore, all participants must independently assess the investment merits of NFTs and/or Tokens, conducting their own research and seeking professional advice as deemed necessary. Each investor should consult their own investment, accounting, legal, and tax representatives and advisors to evaluate the financial risks, consequences, and appropriateness of purchasing NFTs and/or Tokens, particularly if they have any doubts regarding the information provided.

Investing in NFTs and/or Tokens carries significant risks, including the possibility of substantial loss or the complete depletion of funds or monetary value used for their acquisition. Additionally, there is a potential for extraordinary risks associated with such investments.

GEMblock or any of its affiliated entities does not provide any guarantee or assurance that the proposals, objectives, and/or outcomes outlined in the accessible information will be fully or partially realized.

It is strongly recommended that you carefully evaluate the appropriateness of engaging in the investment of NFTs and/or Tokens based on your individual and financial situation, as well as your available financial means.

Investors are advised to thoroughly comprehend, acknowledge, and consent to the characteristics of GEMblock, the advanced GEMblock, the NFTs and/or Tokens, any forthcoming NFT and/or Token functionalities, as well as the accessible information. IF YOU ARE UNWILLING TO ACCEPT ANY OR ALL OF THESE CONDITIONS OR THE RISKS OUTLINED IN THESE CONDITIONS, IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED THAT YOU REFRAIN FROM INVESTING IN THE NFTS AND/OR TOKENS.

If sections or individual terms of this statement are not legal or correct, the content or validity of the other parts remain uninfluenced by this fact.

14. Restrictions on the Distribution and Dissemination of the Available Information

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17. Governing Law

The Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Switzerland, and the use of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is expressly excluded. Both GEMblock and you agree to submit exclusively to the jurisdiction of the courts located in Zug, Switzerland.

GEMblock GmbH

Baarerstrasse 43, 6300 Zug, Switzerland
office @ gemblock . ch
+41 41 589 69 08

© Copyright GEMblock -  All  Rights Reserved

GEMBlock, the Swiss based arm of Deutsches Edelsteinhaus (DEH) builts on the 5+ years of expertise of DEH, Germany's #1 retail seller of investment-grade gemstones, which pioneered the successful business model of offering gemstones to investors as a stable investment option.

To expand the business model globally and to establish gemstones as an asset class, GEMBlock uses the advantages of blockchain technology to reach this target. Blockchain's immutability in combination with the stringent quality control, guaranteed ethical sourcing, scientific authentication, secure transport and storage as well as objective valuation of gemstones – all verified by independent, court-certified experts – makes this project a unicorn in the crypto sphere.

We've selected FIREBLOCKS as our technical partner for all blockchain aspects, recognizing their unparalleled expertise and innovative solutions in the blockchain domain.

This combination, supported by a proven business model, positions us as a credible and trustworthy platform.


Digital Melting™ stands as a cornerstone of our platform, revolutionizing the way gemstones are traded. 

This proprietary technology seamlessly merges the tangible allure of gemstones with digital fluidity, ensuring each gem's unique value is captured and traded with precision and ease. 

It represents a pivotal shift in asset commodification, setting new standards in both transparency and accessibility for investors keen on pioneering with us in this vibrant market.


Mirroring De Beers' unparalleled dominance in the diamond industry and the London Bullion Market's central role in gold trading, we aspire to become the foremost facilitator in the global colored invetsment-grade gemstones market.

By Digital Melting™ we leverage blockchain technology to introduce a new level of accessibility, liquidity, and transparency to the colored gemstone market and thus transforming this once non-fungible asset into a commodity and establishing a new asset class. 

This approach will not only modernize the industry, but also attract a broader range of investors, making gemstone investment as straightforward and reliable as trading in more traditional asset classes.
