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Privacy Policy

1. What does this Privacy Policy entail?

GEMblock GmbH (also “WE”, “US”) collects and processes personal data that concern you but also other individuals ("THIRD PARTIES"). We use the word "DATA" here interchangeably with "PERSONAL DATA".

The term "PERSONAL DATA" refers to information pertaining to individuals who can be identified or are identifiable. This implies that, when combined with other data, the relevant information can be used to determine the identity of these individuals.

"SENSITIVE PERSONAL DATA" refers to a category of personal information that receives special protection under relevant data protection legislation. This category encompasses data that discloses racial or ethnic origin, health information, religious or philosophical beliefs, biometric data used for identification, and details regarding trade union membership. Section 3 of this Privacy Policy provides comprehensive information on the data we handle in accordance with these guidelines.

The term "PROCESSING" refers to any activity carried out on personal data, including but not limited to collection, storage, utilization, modification, disclosure, and deletion.

This Privacy Policy outlines the manner in which we handle your data when you access the “WEBSITE”, which refers collectively to, and It also applies when you obtain our services or products, interact with us, communicate with us, or engage in any other form of transaction with us. We may provide additional notice on a just-in-time basis to address any further processing activities not covered in this Privacy Policy. Furthermore, we may inform you separately about the processing of your data through consent forms, terms and conditions, additional Privacy Policies, forms, and other notices.

2. Who is responsible for processing your data?

GEMblock GmbH, located in Zug, Switzerland (referred to as the "COMPANY"), assumes responsibility as the controller for the processing activities outlined in this Privacy Policy, unless specifically indicated otherwise in individual instances, such as additional Privacy Policies, forms, or contracts.

You may contact us for data protection concerns and to exercise your rights under Section 11 as follows:
GEMblock GmbH (UID CHE-180.285.063, reg. no. CH-, Baarerstrasse 43, 6300 Zug, Switzerland,

3. What types of data do we handle?

We process various categories of data about you:

Technical data. When utilizing our website or other online services, we gather the IP address of your device and other technical information to safeguard the functionality and security of these services. This data includes logs that document the usage of our systems. Typically, we retain technical data for a period of 6 months. To ensure the smooth operation of these services, we may also assign a unique identifier to you or your device, such as a cookie (refer to Section 12). While technical data alone does not allow us to ascertain your identity, it may be combined with other data categories (potentially including personal information) in relation to user accounts, registrations, access controls, or contractual performance.
Registration data. Some offerings are only accessible through a user account or registration, which can be done directly with us or through third-party login providers. As part of this process, you will need to provide us with specific information, and we will collect data on the usage of the offering or service. Depending on the control system, registration data may include biometric information and may be necessary for accessing certain facilities. Typically, we retain registration data for a period of 12 months after the service is no longer used or the user account is closed.
Communication data. When you are in contact with us via the contact form, by email, telephone, chat, or by letter or other means of communication, we collect the data exchanged between you and us, including your contact details and the metadata of the communication. If we record or listen in on telephone conversations or video conferences, for example, for training and quality assurance purposes, we will tell you specifically. Such recordings may only be made and used in accordance with our internal policies. You will be informed if and when such recordings take place, for example by an indication during the video conference in question. If you do not want to be recorded, please notify us or leave the (video) conference. If you simply do not want your image to be recorded, please turn off your camera. If we have to determine your identity, for example in relation to a request for information, a request for press access, etc., we collect data to identify you (for example a copy of an ID document). We generally keep this data for 12 months from the last exchange between us. This period may be longer where required for evidentiary purposes, to comply with legal or contractual requirements, or for technical reasons. E-mails in personal mailboxes and written correspondence are generally kept for at least 10 years. Recordings of (video) conferences we will usually keep for 24 months. Chats are generally stored for 2 years.
Master data. Master data refers to the fundamental information necessary for the execution of our contractual and business relationships, as well as for marketing and promotional activities. This includes details such as your name, contact information, role and function, bank details, date of birth, customer history, powers of attorney, signature authorizations, and declarations of consent. We process your master data if you are a customer, business contact, or affiliated with a business partner in a relevant capacity. Additionally, we may use your master data for our own purposes or on behalf of a contractual partner, such as in marketing and advertising initiatives. We obtain master data from various sources, including directly from you (e.g., during a purchase or registration), from the organizations you represent, or from third parties such as contractual partners, associations, address brokers, or public sources like registers or the internet. We may also collect master data from our shareholders and investors. Typically, we retain master data for a period of 10 years from the most recent interaction or the conclusion of the contract. However, this duration may be extended if necessary for legal or contractual compliance, evidentiary purposes, or technical requirements. For contacts used solely for marketing and advertising, the retention period is generally shorter, usually not exceeding 2 years from the last contact.
Master data encompasses information such as name, address, email address, telephone number, and other contact details, as well as gender, date of birth, nationality, data regarding associated individuals, websites, social media profiles, photographs and videos, copies of identification cards. Additionally, it includes specifics about your relationship with us, your status, allocations, classifications, and mailing lists, as well as details of our interactions with you (if applicable, a comprehensive history with corresponding entries), reports (such as those from the media), or official documents (such as excerpts from the commercial register, permits, etc.) that pertain to you.
When it comes to contact individuals and representatives of our customers, suppliers, and partners, master data encompasses details such as name and address, role or function within the company, qualifications, and, if relevant, information about superiors, colleagues, and subordinates, as well as interactions with these individuals. It should be noted that master data is not collected uniformly for all contacts, but rather depends on the specific purpose of the processing activity.
We gather various forms of payment information, such as wallet addresses, bank details, account numbers, and credit card data. Additionally, the master data includes declarations of consent, opt-out information, and details regarding third parties.
Contract data. This refers to data that is gathered in connection with the conclusion or execution of a contract, such as information about the contracts and the services offered or to be provided, as well as data from the pre-contractual phase, information necessary or utilized for contract performance, and feedback information. Typically, we obtain this data from you, contractual partners, and third parties involved in contract execution, as well as from external sources (e.g. credit information providers) and public sources. Generally, we retain this data for a period of 10 years from the last contract activity or contract termination. However, this retention period may be extended when necessary for evidentiary purposes, compliance with legal or contractual obligations, or technical reasons.
Behavioral and preference data. In order to better understand and cater to your needs, we strive to develop a deeper understanding of our relationship with you and customize our products, services, and offers accordingly. To achieve this, we collect and analyze data pertaining to your behavior and preferences. This involves assessing your actions within our domain and, if necessary, supplementing this information with data from reliable third-party sources, including publicly available information. By utilizing this data, we are able to ascertain the likelihood of your engagement with specific services or your adherence to certain patterns of behavior. The data processed for this purpose is already familiar to us (such as your usage of our services, including when and where) or is acquired through the observation of your actions (such as your navigation on our website). Once this data no longer serves its intended purpose, we either anonymize or delete it. The retention period for this data may range from 2 weeks to 24 months, depending on the nature of the information (e.g., product and service preferences). In certain cases, a longer retention period may be necessary for legal or contractual obligations, evidentiary purposes, or technical requirements. Further details on how tracking functions on our website can be found in Section 12 of our documentation.
Other data. We also gather information from you in various circumstances. For instance, we handle data that may pertain to you, such as files and evidence, in connection with administrative or legal proceedings. We may acquire or generate photos, videos, and audio recordings in which you can be identified, such as at events or through security cameras. Additionally, we collect data regarding individuals entering specific buildings, as well as their access rights, based on registration data or visitor lists, for instance. This also includes information on individuals participating in events or campaigns, and those utilizing our infrastructure and systems, along with the respective timing. Furthermore, we collect and process data about our shareholders and other investors, including master data and information for registers, in relation to their rights and events, such as general meetings. The duration for which this data is retained depends on the purpose of processing and is limited to what is necessary. This varies from a few days for most security cameras, to a few weeks for contact tracing and visitor data, typically kept for 3 months, to several years or more for reports containing images from events. Data concerning you as a shareholder or investor is retained in accordance with corporate law, but in any case, for as long as you maintain your investment.

A significant portion of the data presented in Section 3 is furnished by you (through forms, communication, contracts, website usage, etc.). Unless legally obligated, you are not obligated or required to disclose data to us. However, if you intend to engage in contracts with us or utilize our services, you must provide us with specific data, including master data, contract data, and registration data, as stipulated in the relevant contract. The processing of technical data is inevitable when using our website. Additionally, registration data is required if you seek access to certain systems or buildings. Nevertheless, when it comes to behavioral and preference data, you generally have the choice to object or withhold consent.

In order for us to provide you with certain services, it is necessary for you to provide us with registration data. This is because we, along with our contractual partners, have a vested interest in knowing who is utilizing our services or has accepted an invitation to an event. It is either a technical requirement or a means for us to effectively communicate with you. If you, or the entity you represent (such as your employer), intend to enter into or carry out a contract with us, we will need to collect master data, contract data, and communication data from you. Additionally, if you wish to utilize our website or other electronic offerings, we will process technical data for this purpose. Failure to provide the necessary data for the conclusion and execution of the contract may result in our refusal to enter into the contract, a breach of contract on your part, or our inability to fulfill the contract. Similarly, we can only respond to your requests if we process communication data and, if you communicate with us online, possibly technical data as well. Furthermore, the use of our website is contingent upon our receipt of technical data.

To the extent permitted by law, we gather information from publicly available sources (such as debt collection registers, commercial registers, media outlets, and the internet, including social media) or obtain data from public authorities and other third parties (including credit agencies, address brokers, associations, contractual partners, internet analytics services, etc.).

4. What are the purposes for which we process your data?

Your data is processed for the purposes outlined below. Additional details can be found in Sections 12 and 13 for online services. These purposes and their objectives reflect the interests of both ourselves and potentially third parties. For more information on the legal basis of our data processing, please refer to Section 5.

We handle your data for the purpose of communicating with you, specifically in relation to addressing inquiries and facilitating the exercise of your rights (Section 11). Additionally, we utilize communication data, master data, and registration data associated with the offers and services you utilize, to ensure we can contact you for any further queries. This data is retained to document our communication with you, for training purposes, quality assurance, and for any necessary follow-up inquiries.

We handle data for the purpose of concluding, administering, and fulfilling contractual agreements.

We engage in data processing for marketing objectives and relationship management. This includes the provision of personalized advertisements for our customers and other contractual partners, both from our own products and services, as well as from third parties. These advertisements may be sent through various channels, such as newsletters and regular communication, utilizing the contact information provided by you. Additionally, they may be part of marketing campaigns. Should you wish to object to such communications, you have the right to do so at any time (please refer to the end of Section 4) or decline/withdraw your consent to be contacted for marketing purposes. With your consent, we are able to target our online advertising more precisely to your preferences (refer to Section 12). Lastly, we also aim to facilitate our contractual partners in contacting our customers and other contractual partners for marketing purposes (see Section 7).

We engage in additional data processing to conduct market research, enhance our services and operations, and facilitate product development.

For security and access control purposes, we may also undertake the processing of your data.

Our organization undertakes the processing of personal data in order to ensure adherence to legal requirements, directives, recommendations from authorities, and internal regulations, commonly known as "COMPLIANCE".

In addition, we engage in data processing activities for the purpose of managing risks and ensuring effective corporate governance, which encompasses various aspects of business organization and development.

Your data may be processed for additional purposes, such as internal processes and administration, as well as for quality assurance and training purposes.

5. What is the foundation for the processing of your data?

In cases where we request your consent for specific processing activities (such as the processing of sensitive personal data, marketing mailings, personalized motion profiles, and advertising management and behavior analysis on the website), we will provide you with separate information regarding the relevant purposes of such processing. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, with future effect, by providing us with written notice (via mail) or, unless otherwise specified or agreed, by sending an email to us. Our contact details can be found in Section 2. If you wish to withdraw consent for online tracking, please refer to Section 12. If you have a user account, you may also withdraw consent or contact us through the respective website or service, as applicable. Upon receiving notice of consent withdrawal, we will cease processing your information for the purpose(s) to which you originally consented, unless we have an alternative legal basis for doing so. It is important to note that the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of any processing that occurred prior to the withdrawal.

The processing of your personal data, in cases where we do not seek your consent, is based on the necessity of processing for the initiation or performance of a contract with you (or the entity you represent), or on our or a third party's legitimate interest in carrying out the specific processing activities outlined in Section 4 and implementing related measures. Our legitimate interests also encompass compliance with legal regulations, unless such compliance is already recognized as a legal basis under applicable data protection laws (e.g., GDPR in the EEA or DPA in Switzerland). This includes marketing our products and services, the interest in gaining a better understanding of our markets, and the secure and efficient management and further development of our company and its operations.

In instances where we obtain sensitive personal information, we may proceed with the processing of your data using alternative legal grounds. This may include situations involving disputes, where it is necessary for potential litigation or for the protection or assertion of legal claims. There may be circumstances where different legal grounds are applicable, and we will inform you separately as needed.

6. What are the implications of profiling and automated individual decisions?

We have the ability to automatically assess personal aspects pertaining to you ("PROFILING") based on your data (Section 3) for the purposes outlined in Section 4. These purposes include determining preference data, as well as identifying instances of misuse and security risks, conducting statistical analysis, and facilitating operational planning. Additionally, we may generate profiles for these purposes, wherein we combine behavioral and preference data with master data, contract data, and technical data associated with you. This enables us to gain a better understanding of you as an individual with diverse interests and other unique characteristics.

In both scenarios, we prioritize the fairness and dependability of the outcomes and implement measures to prevent any misuse of these profiles or profiling. When these processes can have legal implications or significantly impact you, we consistently incorporate human review to guarantee a thorough evaluation.

7. Who do we share your data with?

Regarding our contracts, website, services, products, legal obligations, and the protection of our legitimate interests, as well as for other purposes outlined in Section 4, we reserve the right to share your personal data with third parties. Specifically, this may include disclosing your information to the following categories of recipients:

Service providers. We collaborate with service providers both in Switzerland and internationally who handle your data either on our behalf, as joint controllers, or as separate controllers when we share information about you with them.
Contractual partners including customers. This pertains to our customers and other contractual partners, as this data disclosure arises from these contractual agreements. If you are employed by any of these contractual partners, we may also disclose information about you to that partner in relation to these agreements. These recipients also encompass contractual partners with whom we collaborate.
Authorities. If we have a legal obligation or right to do so, or if it is necessary to safeguard our interests, we may disclose personal data to authorities, courts, and agencies both within Switzerland and internationally. These entities function as independent data controllers.
Other persons. This encompasses additional scenarios in which engagements with external entities arise as a result of the objectives outlined in Section 4.

There may be third parties involved in all of these recipient categories, meaning that your data may also be disclosed to them. While we have the ability to limit the processing by certain third parties, such as IT providers, we are unable to restrict it for others, such as authorities or banks.

We retain the right to disclose secret data, unless we have explicitly agreed with you not to disclose such data to specific third parties, except when required by law. However, your data will still be subject to sufficient data protection in Switzerland and the rest of Europe, even after disclosure. The regulations outlined in Section 8 apply to disclosure to other countries. If you do not want certain data to be disclosed, please inform us so that we can assess the extent to which we can address your concern (Section 2).

In addition, we enable the gathering of your personal information on our website and at events we host through specific third parties (such as press photographers, providers of website tools, etc.). With regards to these data collections, we lack authority and thus these third parties operate as the sole controllers. If you have any concerns or wish to exercise your rights regarding data protection, please contact these third parties directly. For information pertaining to our website, please consult Section 12.

8. Is your personal information being shared with entities located outside of your country?

As outlined in section 7, we share data with third parties, some of which may be situated outside of Switzerland. Consequently, your data may undergo processing in Europe, the United States, and other countries, and in rare circumstances, in any location worldwide.

In instances where the recipient is situated in a jurisdiction that lacks sufficient legal provisions for data protection, we request that the recipient commit to adhering to data protection measures. To fulfill this requirement, we utilize the revised standard contractual clauses of the European Commission, which can be accessed at the following link: However, there may be exceptions to this requirement if the recipient is subject to an accepted legal framework that ensures data protection, or if we are unable to rely on such exceptions. Examples of exceptions include situations involving legal proceedings in foreign jurisdictions, cases involving overriding public interest, instances where disclosure is necessary for contract performance, situations where consent has been given, or cases where data has been made generally available by you and you have not objected to its processing.

It should be acknowledged that when data is transmitted over the internet, it frequently passes through intermediary countries. Consequently, there is a possibility that your data may be transferred overseas, even if the sender and recipient are located within the same country.

9. What is the duration of the data processing period?

We will retain and process your data for the duration necessary to fulfill our processing purposes, comply with legal retention periods, and satisfy our legitimate interests in documentation and maintaining evidence. The length of storage and processing periods for specific data categories can be found in Section 3, while information about cookie storage can be found in Section 12. In the absence of any conflicting legal or contractual obligations, we will delete or anonymize your data after the expiration of the designated storage or processing period as part of our standard procedures.

10. What measures do we take to safeguard your data?

In order to uphold the necessary security of your personal data and safeguard its confidentiality, integrity, and availability, we implement suitable security measures. Our aim is to prevent unauthorized or unlawful processing, as well as mitigate the risks associated with loss, accidental alteration, unauthorized disclosure, or access.

11. What rights do you possess?


In accordance with the relevant data protection legislation, we provide you with the following rights in relation to the processing of your personal data, allowing you to maintain control over the handling of your information.

You have the entitlement to seek information from us regarding the existence and nature of the data that we process from you.
The entitlement to request data correction from us in the event of any inaccuracies.
The entitlement to seek the deletion of data;
The entitlement to demand the provision of specific personal information in a widely accepted electronic format or the transfer of such data to another data controller.

If you desire to exercise the aforementioned rights with respect to our organization, kindly reach out to us in written form, either at our physical location or, unless otherwise indicated or agreed upon, via email. You can locate our contact information in Section 2. To ensure the prevention of any potential misuse, it is necessary for us to verify your identity (such as by providing a copy of your identification card, unless alternative methods of identification are available).

If you would like to exercise your rights regarding the processing of your personal data by other parties who collaborate with us as separate controllers, please reach out to them directly. Information about our main partners and service providers can be found in Section 7, with additional details provided in Sections 12 and 13.

Kindly be advised that the rights mentioned above are subject to certain conditions, exceptions, or restrictions as per the relevant data protection legislation, such as those aimed at safeguarding the interests of third parties or protecting trade secrets. In such cases, we will provide you with the necessary information accordingly.

If you have any concerns or objections regarding our handling of your rights or our practices related to data protection, please inform us or contact our Data Protection Officers (Section 2). Additionally, if you are situated in the EEA, the United Kingdom, or Switzerland, you retain the right to file a complaint with the appropriate data protection supervisory authority in your jurisdiction.

12. Are we utilizing online tracking and online advertising methods?

On our website, we employ a range of methods that enable us and authorized third parties to identify you while you navigate our site, and potentially monitor your activity across multiple visits. This Section serves to inform you about these practices.

Our goal is to distinguish your access (via your system) from that of other users to ensure the proper functioning of the website and to conduct analysis and personalization. While we do not aim to determine your identity, it is possible for us or third parties acting on our behalf to identify you based on registration data. However, even without such data, our technologies are designed to recognize you as an individual visitor each time you visit the website. This is accomplished, for example, by our server (or third-party servers) assigning a unique identification number to you or your browser (known as a "COOKIE").

We utilize these technologies on our website and may authorize specific third parties to use them as well. Moreover, you have the choice to customize your browser settings to block or deceive certain types of cookies or alternative technologies, and also to delete any cookies currently stored. Additionally, you can enhance your browser's capabilities by installing software that hinders third-party tracking. For more detailed instructions, please refer to the help pages of your browser (usually accessible through the "PRIVACY" keyword) or consult the websites of the mentioned third parties.

We categorize cookies (which include other technologies like fingerprinting) into the following categories:

Necessary cookies. Certain cookies are essential for the proper functioning of the website and specific features. They play a crucial role in allowing seamless navigation between pages without the loss of any entered information in a form. Additionally, they ensure that users remain logged in. These cookies, known as "SESSION COOKIES," are temporary in nature. Disabling them may result in the website not functioning optimally. On the other hand, there are other cookies that are necessary for the server to retain preferences or information beyond a single session, such as language settings, consents, and automatic login functionality. These cookies have a maximum expiration period of 24 months.
Performance cookies. To enhance the optimization of our website and associated offerings, as well as to tailor them more effectively to user needs, we employ cookies to track and analyze website usage, potentially extending beyond a single session. For this purpose, we utilize third-party analytics services, which are listed below. Performance cookies also possess a maximum lifespan of 24 months, and further information can be obtained from the respective third-party providers' websites.
Marketing Cookies. We and our advertising partners are committed to delivering targeted advertising to specific individuals. To achieve this, we utilize cookies to track accessed content and completed transactions, with your consent. This enables us and our advertising partners to display advertisements that align with your interests on our website, as well as other websites that feature advertisements from us or our partners. The duration of these cookies varies from a few days to up to 12 months, depending on the circumstances. By giving consent to the use of these cookies, you will receive relevant advertisements. However, if you choose not to provide consent, you will still see advertisements, just of a different nature.

In addition to employing marketing cookies, we utilize various other technologies to effectively manage online advertising on external websites, thus minimizing advertising inefficiency. For instance, we may share the email addresses of our users, customers, and other individuals with advertising platform operators (such as social media) in order to display targeted advertisements. If these individuals have registered with the same email address on these platforms (as determined through a matching process), our advertisements will be specifically shown to them. However, the providers do not receive personal email addresses of individuals who are not already known to them. In cases where known email addresses are involved, they gain insight into the individuals' interactions with us and the content they have accessed.

We also have the option to incorporate supplementary offers from third-party sources on our website, specifically from social media providers. By default, these offers are deactivated. However, once you activate them (such as by clicking a button), these providers can identify your usage of our website. If you have an account with the respective social media provider, they can associate this information with your account and monitor your interactions with online offers. It is important to note that these social media providers handle this data as separate entities.

At present, we make use of offers provided by the following service providers and advertising partners. These entities utilize data obtained from you or cookies placed on your computer for advertising or payment processing objectives.

Google Analytics. Google Ireland Ltd., based in Ireland, serves as the provider of the "Google Analytics" service and acts as our processor. Google Ireland relies on its sub-processor, Google LLC, located in the United States. Through the use of performance cookies, Google collects information about visitor behavior on our website, including duration, page views, and geographic region of access. Based on this data, Google generates reports for us regarding the usage of our website. To protect visitor privacy, we have configured the service to truncate IP addresses within Europe before they are transmitted to the United States, preventing any traceability. We have also disabled the data sharing and signals options. While the information shared with Google may not be considered personal data by Google, it is possible that Google could infer visitor identities, create personal profiles, and link this data with their Google accounts for its own purposes. By providing consent to the use of Google Analytics, you explicitly agree to such processing, including the transfer of your personal data, such as website and app usage, device information, and unique IDs, to the United States and other countries. For more information on data protection with Google Analytics, please visit Additionally, if you have a Google account, you can find further details about Google's processing at
Google AdSense. The website incorporates Google AdSense, an online service that enables the display of advertisements on external websites. Google AdSense utilizes an algorithm to select relevant advertisements that align with the content of these external sites. This service also allows for interest-based targeting of internet users through the creation of personalized user profiles.
Alphabet Inc., located at 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043-1351, United States, is the operating company responsible for Google's AdSense component.
The integration of advertisements on our website is the main objective of Google's AdSense component. By placing a cookie on the information technology system of the user, Google AdSense allows Alphabet Inc. to analyze the usage of our website. Whenever a specific page on our website, which is operated by the controller and includes a Google AdSense component, is accessed, the user's internet browser automatically sends data through the Google AdSense component to Alphabet Inc. This data is used for online advertising purposes and to calculate commissions. As part of this technical process, Alphabet Inc. obtains personal data, including the IP address of the user, which helps them understand the origin of visitors and clicks, and subsequently generate commission settlements.
The individual whose data is being processed has the ability to prevent the placement of cookies on our website at any time by adjusting their web browser settings accordingly, thereby permanently denying the placement of cookies. This adjustment would also prevent Alphabet Inc. from placing a cookie on the individual's information technology system. Additionally, any cookies already in use by Alphabet Inc. can be deleted at any time using a web browser or other software programs.
Furthermore, Google AdSense utilizes tracking pixels, which are small graphics embedded in web pages to enable the recording and analysis of log files, facilitating statistical analysis. By utilizing these embedded tracking pixels, Alphabet Inc. can determine when a website was accessed by an individual and which links were clicked on. Tracking pixels are primarily used to analyze website traffic.
Through Google AdSense, personal data and information, including the IP address, necessary for collecting and accounting for displayed advertisements, is transmitted to Alphabet Inc. in the United States. This personal data will be stored and processed in the United States. Alphabet Inc. may disclose the collected personal data to third parties through this technical process.
For further information on Google AdSense, please visit the following link:
Google Analytics (with anonymization function). The controller of this website has incorporated the inclusion of Google Analytics (with the anonymizer function). Google Analytics is a service for web analytics, which involves the gathering, collection, and analysis of data pertaining to the behavior of website visitors. This web analysis service gathers various types of data, including information about the referrer website from which a person accessed the site, the specific sub-pages visited, and the frequency and duration of views on each sub-page. The primary purposes of web analytics are to optimize a website and to conduct cost-benefit analyses of Internet advertising.
Google Inc., located at 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043-1351, United States, operates the Google Analytics component. To perform web analytics using Google Analytics, the controller utilizes the application "_gat. _anonymizeIp". This application allows Google to shorten and anonymize the IP address of the data subject's internet connection when accessing our websites from a Member State of the European Union or another Contracting State to the Agreement on the European Economic Area.
The purpose of the Google Analytics component is to analyze the traffic on our website. Google utilizes the gathered data and information to evaluate the usage of our website and provide online reports that display the activities on our website, as well as other services related to the use of our Internet site. By placing a cookie on the data subject's information technology system, Google is able to analyze the usage of our website. Each time an individual page of our website, which incorporates the Google Analytics component, is accessed, the Internet browser on the data subject's information technology system automatically transmits data through the Google Analytics component for the purpose of online advertising and commission settlement to Google. This technical procedure allows Google to obtain personal information, such as the data subject's IP address, which is used to understand visitor origin and clicks, and subsequently generate commission settlements.
The cookie is utilized to store personal information, including the access time, location of access, and frequency of visits to our website by the data subject. With each visit to our website, this personal data, including the data subject's IP address, is transmitted to Google in the United States of America and stored there. Google may also share this personal data collected through the technical procedure with third parties.
As mentioned earlier, the data subject has the ability to prevent the setting of cookies through our website at any time by adjusting their web browser settings accordingly, thereby permanently denying the setting of cookies. This adjustment would also prevent Google Analytics from setting a cookie on the data subject's information technology system. Additionally, cookies already in use by Google Analytics can be deleted at any time through a web browser or other software programs.
Furthermore, the data subject has the option to object to the collection of data generated by Google Analytics related to the usage of this website, as well as the processing of this data by Google, and to prevent such actions. To do so, the data subject must download and install a browser add-on from the link This browser add-on informs Google Analytics, through a JavaScript, that no data or information about visits to internet pages should be transmitted to Google Analytics. The installation of the browser add-on is considered an objection by Google. If the data subject's information technology system is later deleted, formatted, or newly installed, the browser add-on must be reinstalled to disable Google Analytics. If the browser add-on is uninstalled or disabled by the data subject or any other authorized person, the reinstallation, or reactivation of the browser add-on is possible.
For more information and the applicable data protection provisions of Google, please visit and Further explanation of Google Analytics can be found at
Google Remarketing. The website incorporates Google Remarketing services, a feature of Google AdWords that enables businesses to display advertisements to internet users who have previously visited their site. By integrating Google Remarketing, businesses can create user-specific advertisements and show relevant ads to interested internet users.
The operating company responsible for Google Remarketing services is Google Inc., located at 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043-1351, United States.
The main purpose of Google Remarketing is to display interest-relevant advertising. This allows us to show ads on the Google network or other websites that are tailored to individual needs and aligned with the interests of internet users.
Google Remarketing uses cookies to track and identify visitors who navigate through web pages within the Google advertising network. During this process, Google receives personal information such as the user's IP address and browsing behavior, which is used to deliver interest-relevant advertising.
The cookie also stores personal information, including the internet pages visited by the user. Whenever our internet pages are accessed, personal data, including the user's IP address, is transmitted to Google in the United States. Google stores this personal data and may share it with third parties.
Users have the option to prevent the setting of cookies on our website by adjusting their web browser settings, thereby permanently denying the placement of cookies. Existing cookies set by Google can also be deleted at any time using a web browser or other software programs.
Furthermore, users can object to interest-based advertising by Google by visiting the link and adjusting the settings for each internet browser they use.
For more information and Google's privacy policies, please refer to
GoogleAds. The integration of Google AdWords on this website allows the placement of ads in Google search engine results and the Google advertising network. Advertisers can define specific keywords to ensure that their ads are displayed when users search for relevant terms. The Google Advertising Network distributes ads on relevant web pages using an automatic algorithm based on predefined keywords.
The operating company of Google AdWords is Google Inc., located at 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043-1351, UNITED STATES.
The purpose of using Google AdWords is to promote our website by displaying relevant advertisements on third-party websites and in Google search engine results. Additionally, it allows the insertion of third-party advertising on our website.
When a user reaches our website through a Google ad, a conversion cookie is stored on their device by Google. This cookie, which expires after 30 days, is not used to identify the individual. It is used to track whether specific sub-pages, such as the shopping cart, were accessed on our website. The conversion cookie enables Google and the advertiser to determine if a sale was generated as a result of an AdWords ad.
The data collected through the conversion cookie is used by Google to generate visit statistics for our website. These statistics help determine the effectiveness of AdWords ads and optimize future campaigns. Neither our company nor other Google AdWords advertisers receive personally identifiable information from Google.
The conversion cookie may store personal information, including the Internet pages visited by the user. Each time a user visits our website, personal data, including the IP address, is transmitted to Google in the United States. Google stores this data in the United States and may share it with third parties.
Users have the option to prevent the setting of cookies by adjusting their Internet browser settings, which would also prevent Google from placing a conversion cookie on their device. Additionally, users can delete a cookie set by Google AdWords at any time. To opt-out of interest-based advertising by Google, users can access the desired settings through the link from each browser they use.
For more information and Google's privacy policies, please visit
X (Twitter). We utilize the platform X (Twitter) to establish an online presence for our company and services, as well as to engage with customers and potential clients. Twitter is a service operated by Twitter Inc., located at 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, UNITED STATES. It is important to note that this may involve the processing of user data outside of the European Union, specifically in the United States. Consequently, this may introduce additional risks for users, such as potential difficulties in accessing their data in the future. It is important to emphasize that we do not have access to this user data; only Twitter does. For more information on Twitter's privacy policy, please visit
YouTube. In order to showcase our company and services, as well as engage with customers and prospects, we maintain an online presence on YouTube. YouTube is operated by Google Ireland Limited, located at Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, and is a subsidiary of Google LLC, with headquarters at 1600 Amphitheater Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043-1351, UNITED STATES. It is important to note that this may involve the processing of user data outside the European Union, specifically in the United States. Such data transfer may pose certain risks to users, potentially making subsequent access to the user data more challenging. It should be noted that we do not have access to this user data, as it is solely accessible by YouTube. For further details regarding YouTube's privacy policy, please refer to
LinkedIn. In order to showcase our company and services and engage with customers and prospects, we maintain an online presence on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a platform operated by LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, located at Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland, and is a subsidiary of LinkedIn Corporation, based at 1000 W. Maude Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94085, UNITED STATES. It is important to note that this arrangement may result in the processing of user data outside the European Union, particularly in the United States. Consequently, there may be increased risks for users, such as potential challenges in accessing their data in the future. Additionally, we do not have access to this user data as it is solely accessible to LinkedIn. For further information on LinkedIn's privacy policy, please refer to the link provided.
Facebook. In order to promote our products and services and engage with interested parties and customers, we maintain a presence on the Facebook platform. We share joint responsibility with Facebook Ireland Ltd., located at 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbor, Dublin 2, Ireland, for the data processing activities. The data protection officer of Facebook can be contacted through this contact form: Our joint responsibilities are defined in an agreement that outlines our respective obligations under the GDPR. This agreement, which details our reciprocal obligations, can be accessed at the following link: The legal basis for processing the personal data that is collected and subsequently disclosed is art. 6(1)(f) of the GDPR. Our legitimate interest lies in analyzing, communicating, selling, and promoting our products and services. The legal basis may also be your consent, granted to the platform operator under art. 6(1)(a) of the GDPR. You have the right to withdraw this consent, with future effect, by contacting the platform operator in accordance with art. 7(3) of the GDPR. When accessing our online presence on the Facebook platform, Facebook Ireland Ltd., as the platform operator in the EU, will process your data, including personal information and IP address. This user data is used for statistical analysis of the use of our company's presence on Facebook. Facebook Ireland Ltd. utilizes this data for market research, advertising purposes, and the creation of user profiles. Based on these profiles, Facebook Ireland Ltd. can provide personalized advertising both within and outside of Facebook, based on your interests. If you are logged into Facebook when accessing our site, Facebook Ireland Ltd. will also link this data to your user account. If you contact us via Facebook, the personal data you provide will be used to process your request. We will delete this data once we have fully responded to your inquiry, unless there are legal obligations to retain the data, such as for the subsequent fulfillment of contracts. Facebook Ireland Ltd. may also use cookies during the processing of your data. If you do not consent to this processing, you have the option to prevent the installation of cookies by adjusting the settings in your browser. Any cookies that have already been saved can be deleted at any time. The instructions for doing so depend on the browser and operating system you are using. For Flash cookies, the processing cannot be prevented through browser settings, but can be adjusted in your Flash player settings. Please note that if you prevent or restrict the installation of cookies, not all functions of Facebook may be fully accessible. For more information on the processing activities, their suppression, and the deletion of data processed by Facebook, please refer to their privacy policy: It is possible that the processing carried out by Facebook Ireland Ltd. may also take place in the United States, by Facebook Inc., located at 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, UNITED STATES.
Instagram. In order to promote our products and services and engage with interested individuals or customers, we maintain a presence on the Instagram platform. We share joint responsibility for this social media platform with Facebook Ireland Ltd., located at 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland. The data protection officer for Instagram can be contacted through the following contact form: We have established a mutual agreement with Facebook Ireland Ltd. regarding our respective obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This agreement, which outlines our reciprocal responsibilities, can be accessed at the following link: The legal basis for processing the personal data that is collected and subsequently disclosed is art 6 (1)(f) of the GDPR. Our legitimate interest lies in analyzing, communicating, selling, and promoting our products and services. The legal basis may also be your consent, granted to the platform operator under art. 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR. According to art. 7 (3) of the GDPR, you have the right to withdraw this consent from the platform operator at any time, with future effect. When accessing our online presence on the Instagram platform, Facebook Ireland Ltd., as the platform operator within the European Union, will process your data, including personal information and IP address. This user data is used for statistical purposes to analyze the usage of our company's presence on Instagram. Facebook Ireland Ltd. utilizes this data for market research, advertising purposes, and the creation of user profiles. Based on these profiles, Facebook Ireland Ltd. can provide advertising both within and outside of Instagram, tailored to your interests. If you are logged into Instagram when visiting our site, Facebook Ireland Ltd. will also link this data to your user account. If you contact us through Instagram, the personal data you provide at that time will be used to address your inquiry. We will delete this data once we have fully responded to your query, unless there are legal obligations to retain the data, such as for the subsequent fulfillment of contracts. When processing your data, Facebook Ireland Ltd. may also set cookies. If you do not consent to this processing, you have the option to prevent the installation of cookies by adjusting the settings in your browser. Cookies that have already been saved can be deleted at any time. The instructions for doing so depend on the browser and operating system you are using. For Flash cookies, the processing cannot be prevented through browser settings, but instead requires adjusting the settings in your Flash player. Please note that if you prevent or restrict the installation of cookies, not all functions of Instagram may be fully usable. Further details regarding the processing activities, their suppression, and the deletion of data processed by Instagram can be found in its privacy policy: It is possible that the processing by Facebook Ireland Ltd. may also take place in the United States, under the jurisdiction of Facebook Inc., located at 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025 UNITED STATES.
Social media links via graphics. We have the capability to integrate the following social media platforms into our website. This integration is achieved through linked graphics that are stored on our own servers, preventing automatic connections to the servers of these networks for display purposes. By clicking on the respective graphic, you will be redirected to the service of the corresponding social network. It is important to note that once you click, the network may collect information about you and your visit to our site. It is possible that this data may be processed in the United States. Initially, this data includes your IP address, the date and time of your visit, and the page you visited. If you are logged into your user account on that network, the network operator may associate the collected information with your personal account. If you engage in actions such as liking or sharing, this information may be stored in your personal user account and potentially shared on the respective network. To prevent this, it is recommended to log out of your social media account before clicking on the graphic. Additionally, the various social media networks offer settings that can be customized according to your preferences.

13. Which data do we handle on our social media platforms?

We may maintain pages and other online platforms such as "fan pages," "channels," and "profiles" on social networks and other third-party platforms. As described in Section 3 and below, we collect data about you through these platforms. This data is obtained from your interactions with us on our online presence, such as when you communicate with us, comment on our content, or visit our pages. Simultaneously, the platforms analyze your usage of our online platforms and combine it with other data they possess about you, such as your preferences and behavior. The platforms process this data for their own purposes, including marketing, market research, personalized advertising, and platform management, and in doing so, they act as separate data controllers.

The data collected is used for the purposes outlined in Section 4, which include communication, marketing objectives, such as advertising on these platforms as mentioned in Section 12, and market research. The legal basis for utilizing this data can be found in Section 5. We have the ability to distribute content that you have published, such as comments on an announcement, either as part of our advertising on the platform or elsewhere. Additionally, we or the platform operators may remove or restrict content related to you in accordance with their terms of use, such as inappropriate comments.

The data collected is used for the purposes outlined in Section 4, which include communication, marketing objectives, such as advertising on these platforms as mentioned in Section 12, and market research. The legal basis for utilizing this data can be found in Section 5. We have the ability to distribute content that you have published, such as comments on an announcement, either as part of our advertising on the platform or elsewhere. Additionally, we or the platform operators may remove or restrict content related to you in accordance with their terms of use, such as inappropriate comments.

X (Twitter). The website incorporates Twitter components, allowing users to publish and share short messages called "tweets" of up to 280 characters. These tweets are publicly accessible to all, even those without a Twitter account, and are visible to the followers of the user. Twitter also enables users to reach a wider audience through hashtags, links, and retweets.
Twitter, Inc., located at 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, UNITED STATES, operates Twitter.
When a user visits a page on this website that contains a Twitter component (Twitter button), their internet browser will automatically download and display the corresponding Twitter component. For more information about Twitter buttons, please visit This process allows Twitter to gather information about the specific sub-page visited by the user on our website. The integration of the Twitter component aims to share the contents of our website and increase visitor numbers.
If a user is logged into Twitter while visiting our website, Twitter will be able to detect which specific sub-page of our website the user visits throughout their session. This information is collected by the Twitter component and linked to the user's Twitter account. Clicking on any of the Twitter buttons integrated on our website will associate this information with the user's personal Twitter account and store their personal data.
Twitter receives information through the Twitter component that the user has visited our website, regardless of whether they interact with the Twitter buttons. If the user does not wish for this information to be transmitted to Twitter, they can prevent it by logging out of their Twitter account before accessing our website.
For more information about Twitter's data protection policies, please refer to
YouTube. The controller of this website has incorporated YouTube components. YouTube is an online video platform that allows video creators to upload and share video clips with other users at no cost. It also offers free viewing, reviewing, and commenting features. YouTube provides access to a wide range of video content, including full-length movies, TV shows, music videos, trailers, and user-generated videos via its online portal.
The operating company of YouTube is YouTube, LLC, located at 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, UNITED STATES. YouTube, LLC is a subsidiary of Google Inc., located at 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043-1351, UNITED STATES.
Whenever a user visits a page on this website, which is under the control of the controller and contains a YouTube component (YouTube video), the user's internet browser will automatically be prompted to download and display the corresponding YouTube component. For more information about YouTube, please visit During this technical process, both YouTube and Google will obtain information about the specific sub-page of our website that was visited by the user.
When a user is logged in to YouTube, YouTube can identify the specific subpage of our website that the user visits when accessing a page with a YouTube video. This information is collected by YouTube and Google and linked to the user's YouTube account. If a user is logged in to YouTube when accessing our website, YouTube and Google will be notified that the user has visited our site, regardless of whether they interact with a YouTube video or not. If the user does not wish for this information to be transmitted to YouTube and Google, they can prevent it by logging out of their YouTube account before accessing our website.
YouTube and Google's data protection provisions, which can be found at, contain details regarding the gathering, handling, and utilization of personal information by YouTube and Google.
Facebook. The controller of this website has incorporated components of the enterprise Facebook, a social network that serves as an online community for social meetings and communication. Users can create private profiles, upload photos, and connect with others through friend requests. The operating company of Facebook is Facebook, Inc., located at 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, UNITED STATES. For individuals residing outside of the United States or Canada, the controller is Facebook Ireland Ltd., located at 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland.
When accessing individual pages of this website that have integrated Facebook components (Facebook plug-ins), the data subject's web browser will automatically download and display the corresponding Facebook component from Facebook. A comprehensive overview of all Facebook Plug-ins can be found at This allows Facebook to be aware of the specific sub-site of our website visited by the data subject.
If the data subject is logged in to Facebook while visiting our website, Facebook will detect and record the specific sub-site visited for the entire duration of their stay on our site. This information is collected through the Facebook component and associated with the data subject's Facebook account. If the data subject interacts with any of the Facebook buttons on our website, such as the "Like" button or by submitting a comment, Facebook will match this information with the data subject's personal Facebook user account and store the personal data.
Regardless of whether the data subject clicks on the Facebook component or not, Facebook will always receive information about a visit to our website if the data subject is logged in to Facebook at the same time. To prevent this transmission of information to Facebook, the data subject can log off from their Facebook account before accessing our website.
For information on the collection, processing, and use of personal data by Facebook, please refer to the data protection guideline published by Facebook, available at This guideline also provides information on privacy protection settings offered by Facebook and various configuration options to eliminate data transmission to Facebook. The data subject may utilize these options to prevent data transmission to Facebook.
Instagram. The website incorporates components of the Instagram service, which can be classified as an audiovisual platform that enables users to share photos and videos, as well as distribute such content on other social networks. Instagram LLC, located at 1 Hacker Way, Building 14 First Floor, Menlo Park, CA, UNITED STATES, is the operating company behind the services provided by Instagram. When a user accesses an individual page on this website where an Instagram component (Insta button) is integrated, the user's internet browser on their device will automatically prompt the download of the corresponding Instagram component. During this technical process, Instagram becomes aware of the specific sub-page of our website that the user has visited. If the user is logged in to Instagram at the same time, Instagram will detect and track the specific sub-page visited by the user throughout their entire stay on our website. This information is collected by the Instagram component and linked to the user's Instagram account. If the user clicks on one of the Instagram buttons integrated on our website, Instagram will match this information with the user's personal Instagram account and store the personal data. Instagram receives information through the Instagram component that the user has visited our website, regardless of whether they interact with the Instagram button or not, as long as they are logged in to Instagram at the time of accessing our website. If the user does not wish for this information to be transmitted to Instagram, they can prevent it by logging out of their Instagram account before accessing our website. For more information and the relevant data protection provisions of Instagram, please visit: and

14. Is it possible for us to revise and update this Privacy Policy?

This Privacy Policy does not constitute a contractual agreement with you. We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at our discretion and without prior notice.

The current version of the content can be found on this website.

Last updated: October 1, 2024

GEMblock GmbH

Baarerstrasse 43, 6300 Zug, Switzerland
office @ gemblock . ch
+41 41 589 69 08

© Copyright GEMblock -  All  Rights Reserved

GEMBlock, the Swiss based arm of Deutsches Edelsteinhaus (DEH) builts on the 5+ years of expertise of DEH, Germany's #1 retail seller of investment-grade gemstones, which pioneered the successful business model of offering gemstones to investors as a stable investment option.

To expand the business model globally and to establish gemstones as an asset class, GEMBlock uses the advantages of blockchain technology to reach this target. Blockchain's immutability in combination with the stringent quality control, guaranteed ethical sourcing, scientific authentication, secure transport and storage as well as objective valuation of gemstones – all verified by independent, court-certified experts – makes this project a unicorn in the crypto sphere.

We've selected FIREBLOCKS as our technical partner for all blockchain aspects, recognizing their unparalleled expertise and innovative solutions in the blockchain domain.

This combination, supported by a proven business model, positions us as a credible and trustworthy platform.


Digital Melting™ stands as a cornerstone of our platform, revolutionizing the way gemstones are traded. 

This proprietary technology seamlessly merges the tangible allure of gemstones with digital fluidity, ensuring each gem's unique value is captured and traded with precision and ease. 

It represents a pivotal shift in asset commodification, setting new standards in both transparency and accessibility for investors keen on pioneering with us in this vibrant market.


Mirroring De Beers' unparalleled dominance in the diamond industry and the London Bullion Market's central role in gold trading, we aspire to become the foremost facilitator in the global colored invetsment-grade gemstones market.

By Digital Melting™ we leverage blockchain technology to introduce a new level of accessibility, liquidity, and transparency to the colored gemstone market and thus transforming this once non-fungible asset into a commodity and establishing a new asset class. 

This approach will not only modernize the industry, but also attract a broader range of investors, making gemstone investment as straightforward and reliable as trading in more traditional asset classes.
